Hi to all of you who come to visit this blog. This blog is idea of Mr. Harbhajan Singh (
http://www.selfdesigneduniverse.com) to answer my queries regarding "Talks with Ramana Maharishi". So, it's just a mere effort to put all the conversation so other people also obtain benefit through this.
1 comment:
since this relates ramana maharishi am posting it here as well. querry on Maharishi's statement related with the topic of Destiny and Free Will.
what does Ramana Maharishi mean when he says "Neither is everything predestined, nor do we have free will in everything." or what does K mean when Krishna says “He does not interfere with the free will of a living entity.”
[the way i perceive destiny and free will is as : a combination of universal consciousness(SELF generated), karmas(pralabdhas - continuity and discontinuity due to past actions), and free will(a sort of rational thought - positive/negative originating through brain/intellect/memories /inspiration)]
The perplexity lies -
which dominates which and when and how???
or is there anything more? or less?
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